Here is a quick update of the happenings as we launched.
- Visitors arrived, then more, then even more. We are using Google Analytics which provides you with a snapshot of what is happening on the site. We have already had hundreds of unique users from all over who have visited just about every page on the site!
- Contest entries have been submitted! We had expected this to take a while since there is some design work required to create an entry that is relevant to FreshBrain. But to our surprise, we already have a couple of really good submissions!!
- Our very early marketing is generating traffic. Marketing is all about letting people know that we are up and running. We have started small. Today we try out facebook:)
- Visitors are registering and viewing all of It is just cool to see this come to life. Try out forums, read news, etc. We are learning what works and what is interesting as we watch what visitors do.
- We made our first press release. Another way to let folks know who we are and what we are doing.
- We ran into a couple of problems. We were surprised by a problem with AOL spam filtering that we are fixing. And we had a certificate problem as well that popped up a warning message that was not very friendly. It has now been taken care of.