Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Thanks to All - Winners Soon

Thanks to everyone who either participated or visited freshbrain.org during the Video Contest. As you know if you have followed my blog - this is a step along the path to delivering the full site planned for the end of the month.

We have learned a lot with the Graphics and Video Contests.
  • The best way to reach folks is in the communities where they spend their time. This is far better than purchasing advertisements on sites such as facebook.
  • google analytics is an excellent tool for monitoring the anonymous activity on your site down to where people come from (physical and virtual), how many pages they look at and how long they stay.
  • Drupal was the right choice for our platform, as was Solaris and Network.com
  • There is a LOT of creativity out there looking for a venue to share it!
  • And there is an amazing amount of interest in enhancing the education that our kids get in the area of technology - schools are just not providing enough
We will be announcing the winners of the contest shortly. And we are very busy finishing up the work on the new site!!

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